Accord Software, Inc.

Client Stub

In order to turn a LFC into an IFC, another function is needed to take the place of the original. Such a function, for historical reasons, is known as a client stub function.

A client stub function has an exact interface as the original function. However, the body of the function contains as little code as possible which in turn makes calls to the IPC code and IFC library.

For the add example, the client stub function would look like

	add(a, b)
		int a;
		int b;
		 * AccordSTAR libifc and add_xdr calls to 
		 * send a and b as a request and receive an
		 * int as a response. 
		 * the result returned is an int
and would be placed in a file called add_clnt.c.

AccordSTAR Generator normally compiles the generated client stub and then deletes the stub source code. For heterogeneous networking environment, you can pass in a flag which will cause it to generate source code only. The code can then be compiled as a separate step.

AccordSTAR generated code must not be modified in any way.
[P-016] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1993-1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.